About Us

Learn about us and how Best Price Air Filters is revolutionizing the buying experience

Hello, my name is Payton. I am the founder of Best Price Air Filters.

When I went to school for HVAC I was the only person in my class that was not a man, but that didn’t bother me! I had an amazing team, amazing teacher, and I was the top of my class! Alongside school, I worked as a technician for years and loved every minute of it.

One hot day in Florida, I decided that I was tired of crawling thru fiberglass attics, and clearing sludge out of AC drain pipes. Can you blame me?

The Need

I didn’t necessarily want to leave the industry. I enjoyed finding solutions and helping customers. Most of all, I loved the shock people had on their faces when a young female technician knocked on their door!

In conclusion, I wanted my own business and needed a niche that I could revolutionize for customers – something that would dramatically change their life and put power into the hands of my clients.

I brainstormed and asked myself

“Which part brings the most benefit to customers?”
    “What is their responsibility?”
        “What do they touch the most?”

Learn about us and how Best Price Air Filters is revolutionizing the buying experience
Learn about us and how Best Price Air Filters is revolutionizing the buying experience

The Fresh Idea

Then it hit me – the air filter! As a technician, I know AC companies make the most profit on air filters and create needless monthly expenses for their customers.

I knew that I could create a business where customers could easily choose which filter is best for them and make their purchase at wholesale pricing. I could indeed revolutionize the filter market.

So I began the creation of a user-friendly boutique shop. Simple, informative, and with good pricing. My goal: to provide the top three filters on the market, and the reasons why.

The Destiny

At this very time, my mother received a phone call from a dear friend. He offered for her to take over his company and run it.

You’ll never guess what the company was…
Yep – a wholesale filter manufacturing company.
I couldn’t believe it!
God is good, I tell ya what.
The deal was sealed and I knew I was on the right path.

Learn about us and how Best Price Air Filters is revolutionizing the buying experience

Thanks to a deal we struck with the owner of the filter manufacturing company, I can now provide filters at wholesale pricing, excellent customer service, and start the air filter revolution.

I hope your filter buying experience is easy, affordable, and changes your life!

